Getting Started

The Basics

The Basics

The Basics

Gain an understanding of Syncdesk’s design so you can set up your account and navigate efficiently.

Gain an understanding of Syncdesk’s design so you can set up your account and navigate efficiently.

Gain an understanding of Syncdesk’s design so you can set up your account and navigate efficiently.


A Syncdesk workspace serves as the hub for all tasks, teams, and other elements associated with a particular hotel. As a user, you can have accounts on one or multiple hotel workspaces and easily switch between them using the dropdown menu located in the top left-hand corner of the application. Each hotel workspace has its own distinct URL format, such as When you log into Syncdesk, you're accessing a specific hotel workspace.


The fundamental concept in Syncdesk is an entry. Most other concepts in Syncdesk are either associated with entries or serve to group entries together.

An entry represents an input generated within Syncdesk, and each entry is exclusively associated with a single hotel.

Entries are further categorized into three distinct types:


Tasks are essential assignments that demand resolution. They must possess a title and status; additional properties and relations are optional. This streamlined approach to task creation minimizes unnecessary effort.

We offer support for fundamental task properties such as category, due date, priority, assignee, department, attachments, and description. Tasks also feature an activity feed, ideal for tracking follow-ups or providing detailed information relevant to the task.


Notes contain straightforward information and are only required to have a title. However, they can also include descriptions, and categories. Unlike tasks, notes do not have a status, making them ideal for sharing non-actionable information with employees. This could include details about groups, payment instructions, or simply announcements about maid services.


Announcements consist of long-term information, primarily intended for managers to communicate new initiatives to the team. They only require a title but can also include descriptions, categories, attachments, and comments.

Each announcement includes a "mark as read" button, enabling managers to track the distribution of messages and identify employees who have yet to view the announcement.


In alignment with the Syncdesk method, entries are organized into various overviews to attain the desired overview of entries linked to specific dates. These overviews, known as modules, serve as the cornerstone functionalities of the product, enabling effortless access to the information you need.

The modules are situated in the top bar navigation menu, allowing easy access.

In the upcoming sections, we will explore the various modules in detail and delve into how to effectively utilize them.